This issue of LawNow looks at problems of access to justice in some unique situations and settings.
Volume 40-5 May/June 2016
Full PDF of this issue
Table of Contents
Featured Articles: Access to Justice
Special Report: The Law and Work
Featured Articles: Access to Justice
The Right to Counsel Includes Access to Counsel
Lorraine Snyder
An accused’s ability to seek the advice of a lawyer is an important Charter right that cannot be ignored or violated.
The Right to Online Research Behind Bars
Sarah Burton
Access to justice can include the right of an imprisoned accused to conduct online legal research.
Access to Justice: Potential Alternatives for Indigenous Peoples
Troy Hunter
For Indigenous people, the question of access to justice remains outstanding. Could Indigenous legal traditions be revived?
Crowdfunding: Leveling the Playing Field
Avnish Nanda
Justicefundr is the first crowdfunding platform in Canada designed to help Canadians get their day in court.
Access to Legal Services in Women’s Shelters
Alysia Wright
Women who flee to shelters because of domestic violence often have trouble accessing the legal information and services they desperately need.
Special Report: The Law and Work
Canadian Unions: From Repression and Resistance to the Right to Strike
Paul Maas and Owen LeBlanc
The development of unions in Canada is fascinating history encompassing influences from Great Britain and the United States.
Tips and Gratuities: Some Taxing Issues
Caitlin Butler
Both employers and employees have responsibilities when it comes to accounting for tips. Failure to follow the rules can be costly.
Job Candidates Deserve Fair Treatment of Their Applications
Peter Bowal
Why are job applicants treated so badly? Can anything be done about it?
Teresa Mitchell
Landlord and Tenant Law
Judy Feng
Tenant Move-outs: Cleaning and Security Deposit Deductions
Family Law
John-Paul Boyd
Dealing with Pets After Separation: Part 2
Human Rights Law
Linda McKay-Panos
Why Do Some Human Rights Complaints Take So Long to Conclude?
Employment Law
Peter Bowal and Nicole Bowal
Termination for Insolence
Not-for-Profit Law
Peter Broder
The Ins and Outs of Board Elections
Criminal Law
Melody Izadi
Missing the Mark: Why the Post-Ghomeshi Outrage Makes Little Sense
Famous Cases
Peter Bowal and Jacqueline Bowal
Organizations Get Religion: Loyola High School v. Quebec