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Volume 43-4 Mar/April 2019
Canadians worry a lot about protecting their privacy. This issue of LawNow examines some of these concerns.
Featured Articles: Protecting Privacy
Privacy and Medical Information in the Workplace
Myrna El Fakhry Tuttle
An employer’s right to know about an employee’s medical information and the employee’s right to privacy must be balanced.
Privacy in Judicial Decisions
Peter Bowal
The challenge with new social developments like privacy is to balance it against other competing social interests like transparency in the legal system.
Privacy Rights of Children
Khadija Zeeshan
Canadian children have privacy rights under the UN Convention as well as federal and provincial laws.
R. v Reeves: Shared Computer? Don’t Fret – Your Secrets are Safe
Devin Kapoor
In this case the Supreme Court of Canada addressed the issue of whether and to what extent the sharing of a computer impacts a reasonable expectation of privacy.
Special Report: Immigration Law
A Brief Overview of Canadian Immigration Law
Christopher Gallardo-Ganaban
Canadian immigration law can be complex and confusing. Here is some basic information to help with understanding it.
Refugee Protection and the Canada – U.S. Safe Third Country Agreement
Myrna El Fakhry Tuttle
Canada and the U.S. have operated under this Agreement since 2004. The problem is that some refugees no longer consider the U.S. a safe country.
Governments’ Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Immigration and Refugee System Needs Oversight
Petra Molnar
The use of artificial intelligence in immigration and refugee decisions may have profound implications for people’s fundamental human rights.
Citizens in the West Should Care about Discriminatory Immigration Policies
Antje Ellermann and Agustin Goenaga
President Trump’s so called “Muslin ban” evokes a disturbing history of discrimination in immigration policy that many thought was a thing of the past.
Teresa Mitchell
New Resources at CPLEA
Lesley Conley
Criminal Law
Melody Izadi
Convicted on Sexism: How Does Sexist Reasoning in Favour of the Complainant Work in Today’s #metoo Culture?
Employment Law
Peter Bowal and Malhar Shahani
What is “Self-Dealing” in Employment?
Environmental Law
Jeff Surtees
Important Concepts in Environmental Law: “Polluter Pays”
Family Law
John-Paul Boyd
Alternatives to Court: Arbitration
Human Rights Law
Linda McKay-Panos
Human Rights and Extradition Law
Landlord and Tenant Law
Judy Feng
Believe It or Not Tenancy Questions
Law and Literature
Rob Normey
Legislation by Thunderbolt: The Remarkable Career of Dave Barrett
Peter Broder
Charities’ Political Activities Question Quieted, If Not Fully Resolved