Volume 45-3 Jan/Feb 2021
In this issue, we report on Canadian prisons – processes, concerns and calls for reform. We also look at some lesser known laws in Alberta that we bet you didn’t know!
Feature Articles: Behind Bars
How Inmates in Canadian Prisons Suffer
John Cooper
Issues of health, solitary confinement, uncaring attitudes and the over-representation of Indigenous and Black people plague Canadian prisons.
Comparing Canada’s Corrections to Europe, the United States and Aboriginal Communities
Charles Davison
Canada now finds itself situated on a spectrum somewhere between the United States and Europe.
The Many Faces of ‘Corrections’: A call for universal reform
John Winterdyk
It is perhaps time (if not long overdue) to re-evaluate what we mean by justice and corrections!
Transgender Inmates in Canada
Myrna El Fakhry Tuttle
How do federal, provincial and territorial laws or policies protect transgender inmates?
Special Report: Lesser-known Alberta Laws
What You Didn’t Know was a Crime in Canada
Melody Izadi
Twelve interesting, unique and lesser known criminal offences still in the Criminal Code of Canada.
Property Laws You’ve Maybe Never Heard Of
Sherry Simons
Have you heard of property laws about land ownership, shared ownership rights, rights in land and adverse possession?
You Can Officiate Your Friends’ Weddings!
Victoria Chiu
The provincial government recently changed its policies to allow members of the public to perform wedding ceremonies.
Have You Heard?
Lesley Conley
Upcoming Webinars & New Resources
Peter Bowal
Worker Status Pending Arbitration
Famous Cases
Peter Bowal
Fraud in 3D: VisuaLABS
Human Rights
Linda McKay-Panos
SCC Rules on Intellectual Disabilities and Equality
Law & Literature
Rob Normey
Stateless but Not Powerless
Peter Broder
New Insolvency Resource Available
Youth & the Law
Jessica Steingard
I’m Turning 18, Now What?