Volume 45-4 Mar/Apr 2021
Social media is a huge part of our everyday lives. But it’s not all good! This issue looks at various aspects of social media – from defamation and use in criminal investigations, to privacy and workplace concerns, among others. We also look at water policy and law.
Feature Articles: Social Media
Posting Perils: Defamation in the social media era
Evan Oikawa
Social media and the Internet have raised new issues in defamation law and challenged Canadian courts.
Social Media and Criminal Investigations: Public content and its role in solving crimes
Lee Klippenstein
Publicly available social media influences criminal investigations, with costs and benefits to both society and police services.
Social Media Posts and Employment: A perilous playground
Anthony Skeith
An employee’s social media or Internet activity can have unexpected impacts on their employer. And their job.
Can Canada Effectively Address Hate and Racial Discrimination on Social Media?
Linda McKay-Panos
When regulating the Internet, Canada struggles with it being borderless and how to uphold freedom of expression.
Social Media Platforms: Should you be worried about your privacy?
Carolina Albuquerque
By agreeing to Terms and Conditions, you are signing an online contract allowing social media to collect and share some personal information.
Social Media, the Law and Social Justice
John Cooper
We’ve seen social media as a tool for social justice but its relationship with the law is challenging.
Special Report: Water Law
NAFTA vs. CUSMA: Is Canada’s water a good or a right?
Aaida Peerani
The impact of the new CUSMA on Canada’s water, as compared to NAFTA’s provisions, remains to be seen.
The Alberta Water Council and Consensus Decision-Making
Jeff Surtees
The Alberta Water Council is interesting because of its role and how it makes decisions – by consensus only.
Advancing the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation under International Law: Human rights vs. investor rights
David Lark
While international mechanisms are increasingly recognizing the human rights to water and sanitation, states must take action too.
Have You Heard?
Lesley Conley
Updated Family Law Resources
Myrna El Fakhry Tuttle
Can Private Businesses Ask for Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination?
Melody Izadi
The State is in Your Home: Courts punish poor parenting
Peter Bowal and Jim Johnston
Bad Behaviour 6.0: Employees getting away with …
Sarah Dargatz
Relocations with Children: The law before and the law now
Lynda Chinweokwu
Changes to Jurisdictional Provisions under the Divorce Act
Famous Cases
Peter Bowal and Malhar Shahani
Criminal Sentencing of Aboriginal Offenders: Gladue
Judy Feng
Condominium Bylaws & Rules: 5 things to know
Law & Literature
Rob Normey
Just Who Are the Real Criminals of New York: Reflections on Bellow’s Mr. Sammler’s Planet
Youth & the Law
Jessica Steingard
I’m Turning 18: Planning for the Unexpected