As the COVID-19 vaccine begins to roll out across Alberta, employers may be wondering how vaccinations will be managed in the workplace. While this is a new issue that has yet to be tested in the courts or tribunals, there are guiding principles that employers should keep in mind when considering … [Read more...]
COVID-19 Vaccines in the Workplace: Employees
With COVID-19 vaccine roll-outs ramping up, employees may be wondering how to deal with vaccines in the workplace. In a companion article, our firm provides information for employers about COVID-19 vaccines in the workplace. In this article, we address questions employees may have. Can my … [Read more...]
Can I Be Liable for the Actions of My Volunteer?: Vicarious liability and volunteers
In many volunteer-driven organizations, volunteer coordinators or boards may hold the view that the organization is not liable for negligent or intentionally injurious actions of its volunteers. This can sometimes be the benefit of using volunteers. They are not employees and, therefore, the same … [Read more...]