Case Commented On: R v Biever, 2015 ABQB 301 The link between access to information and access to justice is not often discussed, but it is implicit in our legal process. Document production, questioning, and Crown disclosure are all premised on the notion that one needs access to relevant … [Read more...]
What Self–Represented Litigants (Actually) Want
What should we do about self-represented litigants (SRLs)? Amid a backdrop of skyrocketing legal fees, decreased public funding, and a resultant wave of self-representation, this question seems to be on every reformer’s mind. Countless reports, working groups, and studies have asked this question, … [Read more...]
Access to Justice in a post-SWUAV Courtroom
In September 2012, the Supreme Court of Canada significantly changed the law on public interest standing. It did so under the banner of advancing access to justice. After being released, Canada (AG) v Downtown Eastside Sex Workers United Against Violence, 2012 SCC 45 [SWUAV] received praise for … [Read more...]