Alberta's Child, Youth, and Family Enhancement Act (CYFEA) sets out how the government intervenes to protect children, including through agreements with the child's guardian and various court orders. The protection of children through government intervention services in Alberta is governed by … [Read more...]
Coercive control bill should tackle familial elder abuse
Bill C-332 is a noble attempt to protect domestic abuse victims from escalating violence. However, the proposed law does not help seniors who are harmed by adult children and other relatives like grandchildren, once again banishing elder abuse to the hinterlands of the criminal justice … [Read more...]
Romance Scams: When it really is too good to be true
In an era where relationships often begin online, romance scams have emerged as an increasingly significant threat. In 2021 alone, victims of romance scams had lost over 50 million dollars (and this is just what was reported), according to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre. Hiding behind the … [Read more...]
Bridging the Gap: Applying trauma-informed interviewing from criminal to family law
Trauma-informed interviewing practices are common in criminal cases to help lawyers effectively communicate with survivors of assault. But family lawyers should also use them when working with clients who've experienced trauma. As legal practices evolve, there is a growing recognition of how … [Read more...]
Bill C-92’s Journey to the SCC
In February 2024, the Supreme Court of Canada decided Bill C-92, which allows Indigenous communities to exercise control over child and family services, is constitutional in its entirety. Reconciliation is the responsibility of every Canadian. The Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) decision on Bill … [Read more...]
Vicarious Trauma in Criminal and Family Lawyers: The unseen burden of advocating for victims
The work of criminal and family lawyers exposes them to abuse and trauma, which can lead them to experiencing vicarious trauma. But help is available. Lawyers practicing in family or criminal law are instrumental in advocating for and guiding their clients through some of the most traumatic … [Read more...]
Cohabitation Agreements: Making them enforceable under the Family Property Act
The Family Property Act says how adult interdependent partners (AIPs) divide their property on separation. But it seems to prohibit unmarried couples from signing a cohabitation agreement about property before they become AIPs. There is a gap in Alberta’s Family Property Act (the Act) that has … [Read more...]
Sexual Violence: It’s prevalent and preventable
Sexual violence includes child sexual abuse, sexual assault and sexual harassment. It's more prevalent than you might think, but we can prevent further harm by working together. What is sexual violence? Sexual violence is a broad term that includes child sexual abuse, sexual assault and … [Read more...]
Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence: How to respond positively and with compassion
When someone shares they have experienced sexual violence, we can respond by listening, showing belief, letting them know it wasn’t their fault, validating their feelings, and offering information, choice and control. Sexual violence can be difficult to talk about. It can be hard to know what … [Read more...]
Beyond ‘High Conflict’: The need for domestic violence awareness and assessment in family law interventions
Confusing domestic violence for high conflict can pose significant risks to the family, something family law professionals need to be aware of and assess in their clients. In family law, 'high conflict' often describes challenging relationships between parents. However, beneath this label … [Read more...]