There is an inherent tension in the relationship between parents and child protection agencies. Interactions often occur under the threat of litigation and apprehension. In JP v British Columbia (Children and Family Development), 2015 BCSC 1216 [JP], Justice Walker of the Supreme Court of British … [Read more...]
Long arm of U of A law looking to reach rural Alberta
At some point between birth and death, life calls for at least some legal services. But for rural Albertans, who, like their urban cousins grapple with everything from wills to business deals, vital access to a lawyer isn’t a given. That’s why the University of Alberta Faculty of Law is teamed up … [Read more...]
Miss Julie’s Revenge, or Men Who Hate Women, Please Meet Lisbeth Salander
One of the great events of our summer in Edmonton is the Fringe Festival which offers an amazing assortment of acting talent, both local and international. While there is certainly something for everyone amongst the plays and musicals on offer, many are on the zany or surreal side. When I noticed … [Read more...]