Table of Contents
Featured Articles: The Law and Armed Conflict
Is there a role for law in armed conflict? The two seem utterly incompatible, and yet law does play a role: before, during and after the conflict has ended.
A History of War Crimes
Charles Davison
Society has been contemplating the moral and philosophical questions of law from the ancient Greeks to the Geneva Conventions.
Post-Conflict Elections: An analysis of the problems in emerging and recovering nations
Michael Clegg, QC
One of the most valuable roles that developed nations can play is to help struggling post-conflict nations hold free and fair elections.
One Boy Left Behind: The ethical challenges of liberating child soldiers in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Carl Conradi
Helping to free a child soldier is a life-altering event for both the child and the liberators.
Omar Khadr: It takes a village to raise a child but the village let him down
Linda McKay-Panos
The case of Omar Khadr is a tangled and tortuous one that has resulted from numerous failings.
Special Report: The Law and Language
Constitutionally Protected Minority Official Language Rights in Canada
Carole Aippersbach
The rules around our constitutionally protected minority language rights are complicated and steeped in history.
Conflict: What’s Language Got to Do with It?
Assistant Chief Judge Victor T. Tousignant
The language we choose to use can encourage or inhibit conflict. Why not choose language that inhibits conflict?
Access to Justice, Public Interest and Language Rights
Linda McKay-Panos
An Alberta case is setting precedents for language rights, the costs of litigation, and the public interest.
Robert Sibley
Killing bin Laden necessary, jubilation is not
Today’s Trial
Another Ancient Defence Receives Scrutiny
Famous Cases
Peter Bowal and Kelsey Pecson
A Famous Case Revisited: Eugenics and Leilani Muir
Family Law
Rosemarie Boll
What you don’t know Can Hurt You
Not-For-Profit Law
Peter Broder
Budget Features Challenging Charity Rules Changes
Aboriginal Law
John Edmond
First Nations Water
Employment Law
Peter Bowal and Kimberly Bowal
Minimum or Reasonable Notice of Termination
Online Law
Marilyn Doyle
“Big C” Conflict