LawNow has created a Department called New Resources at CPLEA, which is now a permanent addition to each issue. Each post will highlight what’s new, updated/revised or popular at CPLEA. All resources are free and available for download. We hope that this will raise awareness of the many resources that CPLEA produces to further our commitment to public legal education in Alberta. For a listing of all CPLEA resources go to:
Now Available online and in print
CPLEA’s Families and the Law: Child Welfare Series of publications are now available.
There are too many people and organizations to name, but this was truly a community effort. Thank you to all for your valuable input.
- Becoming a Private Guardian
- I Do Not Agree with a Decision Made by Children’s Services
- I Have Been Contacted by Children’s Service
- My Child is Abusing Drugs… What Can I Do?
- Someone is Trying to Become a Guardian of my Child
- Court Seating Chart – Tips for CYFEA Hearings
- What Happens if a Child is Apprehended?
- Parent or Guardian?
For a listing of all CPLEA family law publications see: