LawNow is a place to describe and discuss the law.
We provide unique insights into changing social conditions by examining and reflecting on life issues from the perspective of the law. By providing credible and readable legal information and analysis, LawNow helps Canadians understand the roles law plays in society and how it affects their lives. Interpretations and commentary are intended to make meaningful contributions to readers’ own lives and to the democratic life of their communities and the country.
Our Team
Publisher: Jeff Surtees
Editor/Legal Writer: Jessica Steingard
Designer: Jessica Nobert
Thank you also to our volunteer contributors who provide thoughtful and engaging content! Our contributors include lawyers, professors, journalists, students, accountants and more.
LawNow is published by the Legal Resource Centre of Alberta Ltd., operating as the Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta (CPLEA). CPLEA makes the law understandable for Albertans by producing free legal information in a variety of formats about a variety of legal topics.