Debunking the myths and legends that haunt family law, including those about supporting adult children and the obligations of stepparents. We have already debunked some myths about the law of child support, but there are so many out there! Let’s address a few more … Myth: My child is now 18 so I … [Read more...]
(More) Myths About Child Support
Debunking the myths and legends that haunt family law, including those about waiving obligations and business income. Most times when you ask a lawyer a question, the first words out of their mouth are “that depends …” Family law is no different! However, Canada’s child support legislation is … [Read more...]
Myths about Child Support
Debunking the myths and legends that haunt family law, including those about getting out of your obligation to pay any or more support. This article continues our series on debunking the myths and legends that haunt family law. Today’s topic: myths on ways to avoid paying child support. A note … [Read more...]