Table of Contents
Featured Articles: Charity Law
Canadians don’t just donate money to charities, they also create, oversee and staff them. These folks, especially those who run smaller charities, could use some help understanding what the law expects of them.
Five Steps to Transition: The Canada Not-For-Profit Corporations Act
Margot Patterson and Tim Houston
The first update of charities law since 1917 took effect in October, 2011. There are important steps that charities must now take to comply with the new law.
So You Want to be a Board Member? Think Twice Before You Say Yes
Brian Seaman
It may be an honour to be asked, but the honour comes with significant responsibilities.
Conflicting Loyalties
Peter Broder
Board members must be careful about conflicts of interest and conflicts of loyalties.
There’s a New Law in Town: The Impact for Sports Organizations
Hilary A. Findlay and Benjamin Jacobs
The new Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act contains some provisions that have a significant impact on sports organizations. It is important for these groups to pay attention.
New Animal Welfare Charity Guidelines Support Traditional SPCAs
Tim Battle
The promotion of kindness to animals reflects well on a compassionate society.
Special Report: The Law and Sports
International Sport Regulation/Canadian Values: What if they Collide?
Hilary A. Findlay
Two high-profile cases illustrate the problems that can arise when Canadian values are not reflected in international sports events.
Brain Injuries: A Shot Across the NHL’s Bow
Josh Heshka
A lawsuit about brain injuries by former NFL players should raise concerns for the NHL too.
Inside Baseball: Arbitrators as Umpires
Peter Bowal and Chris Hunter
What happens when a sports league drops the ball?
Charity Central
Bench Press
Teresa Mitchell
A Most Expensive Ticket, The Definition of a Mother, Hell’s Angel Can’t Stay, Disinherited Daughters
Human Rights Law
Linda McKay-Panos
Occupation and the Right to Protest
Follow-up on Famous Canadian Cases
Peter Bowal and Haley MacLeod
Whatever Happened To …The Bata Shoe Company?
Family Law
Rosemarie Boll
Grandparent/Grandchild Contact: A Right or a Privilege?
Online Law
Margo Till-Rogers
Online Resources for Charities
Employment Law
Peter Bowal and Chris Franssen
Minimum Wages in Canada
Law and Literature
Robert Normey
Closed Curtains – The Political Theatre of Jason Sherman
Aboriginal Law
Senators Gerry St. Germain and Lillian Dyck
First Nations Education System Failing