Table of Contents
Featured Articles: Looking at Criminal Law
Perhaps more than any other area of the law, criminal law is constantly evolving.
Recent Developments in Criminal Law
Charles Davison
New laws abound as the government focuses on crime. Are they all necessary?
The Crime of Counseling Criminal Offences
Peter Bowal and Nicole Romanow
Could counseling a crime collide with the Charter right to freedom of expression?
How Criminal Records and Police Reports can Ruin Your Travel Plans
Stephen Da Cambra
Your past might haunt your future travel plans if you don’t plan ahead.
Absolute and Conditional Discharges in Canadian Criminal Law
Peter Bowal, Sean Callbeck and Brian Lines
In certain circumstances, judges can use their discretion to allow an offender to avoid a criminal record.
Basic Facts in Federal Corrections
Irving Kulik
When assessing the state of the criminal law in Canada, it is useful to look at some basic facts about how our criminal justice system works.
Special Report: The Law and Luck
Canadian Regulation of Contests, Prizes and Games
Peter Bowal and Alexandra Brunet
There are lots of laws at both the federal and provincial level to help prevent Canadians from being fooled by contests and prizes.
Is Good Luck Taxable?
Hugh Neilson
In Canada, Lady Luck Spurns the Taxman!
Turning a Loss into a Win
Stephanie Laskoski
One disillusioned consumer pursued his sweepstakes grand prize all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada.
Like hockey, Court’s ‘Mr. Big’ decision clarifies the rule book and the ‘code’
David Butt
Human Rights Law
Prostitution Law in Canada: Will the Charter Dialogue Continue?
Linda McKay-Panos
Not-for-Profit Law
U.K. Case Potentially Positive Step in Recognizing Human Rights Work as Charitable
Peter Broder
Family Law
How is property divided at the end of a relationship?
Rochelle Johannson
What, Why and Where: Untangling Jurisdiction in Family Law
John-Paul Boyd
Employment Law
Regulation of Employment Agencies
Peter Bowal, Kymbat Yermekbayeva and Joshua Beckie
Landlord and Tenant Law
What is an offence under provincial renting laws?
Rochelle Johannson
Online Law
Talking to the Police
Marilyn Doyle
A Famous Case Revisited
Whatever Happened to … David Chen and Citizen Arrests
Peter Bowal, Ivan Via and Joshua Beckie
Law and Literature
A Tale of Two Lawyers
Robert Normey