The inter-generational nature of farms, and the need to keep enough farmland to make the farm viable, pose several unique challenges when families decide to separate. Farm families often experience the law in unique ways, and divorce is no exception. The inter-generational nature of farms, and the … [Read more...]
What happens when a business owner divorces? Part 2
In this second part, let's look at protecting a business, and calculating child and spousal support. Part 1 of this article explained the various ways a divorcing spouse can be compensated for their family property claim to a business. Part 2 now looks at how to insulate a business from the … [Read more...]
What happens when a business owner divorces? Part 1
In this part, let's look at buying spouses out and corporate assets. Whether you are a business owner, the spouse of a business owner, or in business with another family, you may be curious about what impact a divorce can have on the business. If your business partner is divorcing or you are … [Read more...]
Dealing with Pets after Separation, Part 2: Going to Court
In the first half of this article, I wrote about the laws on personal property that might apply when a couple can’t agree on how they’ll manage their pets after they separate. In this half, I’ll talk about the sorts of orders you can and can’t ask the court to make about pets, assuming you and your … [Read more...]
Dealing with Pets after Separation, Part 1: Understanding the Law on Personal Property
Family law is about how serious cohabiting relationships start and end, how children are cared for after separation, how the bills are paid after separation, and how the property and debts that accumulated during a relationship are split when it ends. Despite the folks who’d very much like to apply … [Read more...]