Some 20 years ago, a sexual offender broke into a series of homes in downtown Vancouver. Several of the victims visually identified Ivan Henry as the perpetrator based on an in-person line up, a photographic line up or when he was sitting as the accused in court. Given the similarities between the … [Read more...]
Bench Press 39-5: Duress as a Defence to Murder
For the first time in Canada, an appeal court has upheld the use of duress as a defence to a charge of murder even though the Criminal Code explicitly rules it out. The Ontario Court of Appeal outlined the factors necessary to support both a statutory and common law defence of duress, for people … [Read more...]
When Prosecution Met Defence: The Michael Bryant Case
Facts of the Case At 9:47 p.m. on Aug. 31, 2009, former Ontario attorney general and CEO of Invest Toronto Michael Bryant, driving home after dinner with his wife, had a violent encounter with a younger man on a bicycle, Darcy “Allan” Sheppard. Sheppard was drunk, and at a traffic light on Bloor … [Read more...]
Criminal Defence Law in the North: Part Three
In my earlier two columns, I discussed substantive aspects of criminal law in the North (Part One). I briefly reviewed some aspects of the crimes we deal with in court, some of the underlying causes, and certain aspects of sentencing for those offences (Part Two). I want now to describe some … [Read more...]
Criminal Defence Law in the North: Part Two
In my last column (Part One) I briefly sketched out some aspects of substantive criminal law as it is enforced and applied in the Northwest Territories. I want in this contribution to comment upon some underlying factors which, at least sometimes, lead to criminal conduct, as well as aspects of … [Read more...]
Criminal Defence Law in the North: Part One
It seems that almost every lawyer who has travelled from southern Canada to practice law “North of 60” ends up writing about his or her experiences at some point. Almost all of those who are drawn to this part of Canada are struck by the geographical and physical beauty of this land, and by the … [Read more...]