Table of Contents
Featured Articles: Environmental Causes
Special Report: Helping Yourself
Featured Articles: Environmental Causes
Canadians treasure their environment, and for many, preventing its degradation becomes a cause. The law can be used in some interesting and unique ways to help the cause.
The Constitutional Right to a Healthy Environment
Environmental rights enjoy constitutional protection in over 100 countries. Canada is not one of them, but it should be.
The Oil Sands: Westward – How?
There are many obstacles: technical; legal; constitutional; and political that stand in the way of transporting Alberta’s bitumen out of the province.
Civil Disobedience, Environmental Protest and the Rule of Law
Civil disobedience can strengthen the Rule of Law by leading to the correction of unjust or seriously wrong laws before disrespect for the system has a chance to take hold.
The Difference a Year Makes: Changes to Canadian Federal Environmental Assessment Law in 2012
The omnibus budget bill of 2012 contained many measures that profoundly changed Canada’s environmental protection laws, and not for the better.
Nickel Shower: An Environmental Class Action
The case of Smith v. Inco Ltd. is the first Canadian environmental class action lawsuit to proceed through a trial and appeal.
Special Report: Helping Yourself
How To Avoid Your Day in Court
Think of the law as a spectrum with the courthouse at the very end. There are lots of ways that you can avoid going there!
Helping Yourself: Where Do You Start?
There are many of sources for legal information, ranging from walk-in offices to websites to help you access the law.
Doin’ It Your Own Way… Unsuccessful Succession
Yes, of course you can make your own Will. But, should you?
The Economy and The Environment
Bench Press
Interest in Access to Justice
Denunciation, Deterrence, and Death
No Jury-vetting, We’re Canadian
The Defence of Duress
A Dog Divided?
Human Rights Law
Online Law
Online Resources for Dispute Resolution
Not-for-Profit Law
Anti-Spam Law May Snare Charities
What Ever Happened to … A Follow-up to Famous Cases
Casey Hill and the Church of Scientology
Landlord and Tenant Law
Getting Your Security Deposit Back
Employment Law
Protection and Prosecution: Falling at Work