Finders keepers is not the case in Canada when it comes to the popular pastime of fossil hunting, with each province and territory having laws that protect and preserve fossils found within its borders. If a leg of lambeosaurus or a woolly mammoth tusk might look good on your fossil-picking … [Read more...]
The Alberta Water Council and Consensus Decision-Making
The Alberta Water Council is interesting because of its role and how it makes decisions - by consensus only. This article is about two things. First it briefly describes the Alberta Water Council. Second, it talks about consensus decision-making – a way groups can work together toward a common goal … [Read more...]
BenchPress – Vol 40-5
1. Miscarriage as a Workplace Disability The Ontario Human Rights Tribunal has issued a decision stating that a miscarriage can be a disability. Winnie Mou was dismissed from her position after failing to meet work targets. She had missed three weeks of work due to a deep tissue injury, and … [Read more...]
Unleashing the Environmental Power of Municipalities: Recommendations to Strengthen Alberta’s Municipal Government Act
Municipalities play a key role in the management and protection of Alberta’s environment. This occurs through regulation of private land uses and through local land use planning. Municipalities can also direct local changes that reduce the trajectory of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and create … [Read more...]
BenchPress – Vol 40-4
Gonzo Language! The Federal Court of Appeal used some unusually strong language in a recent judgment about a claim for costs. The claim was made by the two lawyers who successfully challenged the appointment of Judge Marc Nadon to the Supreme Court of Canada. Together, the two lawyers asked for … [Read more...]
Can Administrative Agencies Grant Common Law Public Interest Standing?
Whether administrative agencies can grant public interest standing the way that courts do is an unsettled question. This question usually arises at environmental agencies whose enabling legislation provides standing based on affected personal interests. Multiple court cases have found that specific … [Read more...]
Bench Press 38-4: Cabinet Ministers Breaking the Law
Several environmental groups took the federal ministers of oceans and fisheries and the environment to Federal Court seeking a declaration that they must act to protect endangered species. Madame Justice Anne McTavish granted them the declaration they sought. She noted that the Species at Risk Act … [Read more...]
Bench Press 38-2: The Environment, Fair Play and Natural Justice
The Pembina Institute and the Fort McMurray Environmental Association asked for a judicial review of a decision by the Director of Northern Region Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resources Development. The Director had rejected a Statement of Concern filed by the two entities under the Alberta … [Read more...]
Bench Press 38-1: Cabinet Tries to Flip the Bird
A group of Alberta and Saskatchewan environmentalists asked former environment minister Peter Kent to issue an emergency protection order for the sage grouse under the federal Species at Risk Act. There are very few of the birds left and scientists worry they could disappear altogether if their … [Read more...]
Vol 37-4: Mar/Apr 2013
Full PDF of this Issue Table of Contents Featured Articles: Environmental Causes Special Report: Helping Yourself Departments Columns Printable PDF version Featured Articles: Environmental Causes Canadians treasure their environment, and … [Read more...]