September: To the Polls
A Primer on Municipal Law in Alberta
Ben Throndson
With local elections approaching, it’s a good time to brush up on municipal law and government in Alberta.
[Courts & Government]
Myths about Child Support
Sarah Dargatz
This article continues our series on debunking the myths and legends that haunt family law. Today’s topic: myths on ways to avoid paying child support.
A Few Facts on … Equalization
Nathalie Tremblay and Jeff Surtees
Let’s fact check a few common misconceptions on equalization and transfer payments.
[Courts & Government]
A Troubled Prosecutor on a Quest in Fujimori’s Peru
Rob Normey
Santiago Roncagliolo’s Red April offers a gripping and insightful look into the terrors in Peru in 2000, especially towards Indigenous peoples.
[Law & Literature, Human Rights]
Should Non-Citizen Residents Be Allowed to Vote in Canada?
Myrna El Fakhry Tuttle
Canadians voted federally in September, and Albertans head back to the polls in October for municipal elections. But who has the right to vote in these elections?
[Courts & Government, Human Rights]
October: Writing a Will
Wills, Personal Directives and Powers of Attorney: What’s the difference?
Sherry Simons
A complete estate plan includes three documents: a Will, Enduring Power of Attorney, and Personal Directive. Are you prepared?
[Estate Planning]
Absolute and Conditional Discharges in Canada
Melody Izadi
Absolute and conditional discharges are types of sentences in Canada’s criminal justice system. Want to learn more?
Alberta Court Adds New Tort about Protecting Private Information
Jessica Steingard
The tort of Public Disclosure of Private Information protects someone from having private information disclosed about them publicly.
Bad Behaivour 7.0: Sexual Harassment & Wrongful Dismissal
Peter Bowal
Usually, the person claiming to have been harassed sues the employer. In a 2004 B.C. case, the harasser sued the employer for wrongful dismissal.
So You Want to Make a Will in Alberta?
Lesley Conley
The Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta (CPLEA) receives many questions on making a Will. Let’s answer a few of them!
[Estate Planning]
November: Domestic Violence
Family Violence and Family Law in Alberta: The need for legislative reform and expansive statutory interpretation
Jennifer Koshan
Alberta has made some progress in its response to family violence, but there are areas where we are falling behind, including family law.
[Abuse & Family Violence]
(More) Myths About Child Support
Erika Hagen
Debunking the myths and legends that haunt family law.
The Divorce Act and Invisible Abuse: Coercive control in family law
Glenda Lux
Coercive control, regularly at the heart of family violence, is now listed in the Divorce Act as a factor in the best interest determinations for children.
[Abuse & Family Violence]
Toward a holistic approach to reform of the Canadian legal system
Lois Gander, QC
People experiencing domestic abuse must often deal with several legal matters while addressing that violence. Some matters will need urgent attention. But which ones?
[Abuse & Family Violence]
WINning Through Courage, Vision & Conviction
Lois Gander, QC
WINning is the story of people – mostly women – whose courage, vision, and commitment provoked societal recognition of women’s realities and needs.
[Abuse & Family Violence, Law & Literature]
Housing Affordability in Review
Judy Feng
With November being housing month, it seems like the right time to reflect on the current housing affordability situation.