Alberta's Child, Youth, and Family Enhancement Act (CYFEA) sets out how the government intervenes to protect children, including through agreements with the child's guardian and various court orders. The protection of children through government intervention services in Alberta is governed by … [Read more...]
Litigating Death in Care Cases in Alberta
Legislation and Cases Commented On: Fatal Accidents Act, RSA 2000, c F-8, Argent v Gray, 2015 ABQB 292, FRN v Alberta, 2014 ABQB 375, SM v Alberta, 2014 ABQB 376 More than 775 children with some involvement with child protective services in Alberta have died since 1999. This past year alone, … [Read more...]
Signs of Safety
Signs of Safety is a child protection casework practice model currently being rolled out by Child & Family Services in Alberta. It was developed in the 1990s in Australia by Andrew Turnell and Steve Edwards in response to the question: “Is there a better way of doing child protection casework?” … [Read more...]
Privacy Considerations for Families Involved with Child and Family Services
Parents involved with Child and Family Services (“the Director”) may not want extended family members, friends, and the general public to know. The Child, Youth, and Family Enhancement Act (“CYFEA”) is the legislation under which intervention services are provided by the Director in Alberta. CYFEA … [Read more...]
Marriage Breakdown Affects Taxes and Child Benefits
Significant financial and non-financial issues arise during the breakdown of a relationship. This article addresses the various tax claims and related benefits for children that should be considered in the finalization of a separation or divorce agreement. These issues can also be relevant for … [Read more...]