While I imagine that being a judge is never easy, some situations and cases present more difficult decisions than others. And I imagine that the most troubling rulings a judge must make are those which may be expected to lead directly to the death of another person. While Canada does not have the … [Read more...]
Aboriginal right – or wrong?
Two eleven-year-old girls from neighbouring First Nations in southwestern Ontario were diagnosed last year with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, a cancer of the bone marrow. Both received chemotherapy, then stopped. One has died. Makayla Sault of the Missisaugas of the New Credit, after eleven weeks, … [Read more...]
Bench Press 39-3: Tragic Tale of Two Girls
Two young aboriginal girls both had been diagnosed with the same type of aggressive cancer and both were receiving chemotherapy for their illness. In both cases, their mothers decided to withdraw their children from conventional cancer treatment and pursue aboriginal healing methods. In one case, … [Read more...]