Sexual violence includes child sexual abuse, sexual assault and sexual harassment. It's more prevalent than you might think, but we can prevent further harm by working together. What is sexual violence? Sexual violence is a broad term that includes child sexual abuse, sexual assault and … [Read more...]
The Many Forms of Harassment
Harassment may exist in many forms, including discrimination under human rights laws, a workplace hazard, sexual harassment, and bullying. Harassment is the act of treating another person in a way that causes them to feel insulted, demeaned, sad and sometimes unsafe. It can take many … [Read more...]
Workplace Sexual Harassment: Reporting options
The Workers' Resource Centre's Workplace Sexual Harassment Advisory Program aims to educate survivors on options for reporting sexual harassment in the workplace. Sexual harassment occurs at work, often without acknowledgement, and leaves workers with lasting impacts. It creates unsafe and … [Read more...]
Bad Behaviour 7.0: Sexual Harassment & Wrongful Dismissal
Usually, the person claiming to have been harassed sues the employer. In a 2004 B.C. case, the harasser sued the employer for wrongful dismissal. This is the bad behaviour story of a spurned co-worker in a union office. His romantic desires were unreciprocated. He was then accused of revenge. … [Read more...]
Sexual and Other Harassment and Fiduciary Duty
Fiduciary duty is a common law concept. Essentially it requires directors of corporations, and like officials of certain other types of entities, to act in the best interest of their organization. It also obliges them to act with care and loyalty. The notion of fiduciary duty, or aspects of it … [Read more...]
Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault in the Workplace: Is this Something New?
There has been a great deal of attention in the media lately about allegations of sexual assault and sexual harassment in the workplace. The current “#MeToo Movement” was thought to have started after public accusations of sexual misconduct by former American film producer Harvey Weinstein. The … [Read more...]
Sexual Harassment is a Continuing Issue in Canada
Sexual harassment has long been recognized in Canada as a form of gender discrimination. For several years, gender discrimination (which includes discrimination based on breast feeding, sexual harassment, transgender and pregnancy) was the most commonly alleged ground of discrimination in both … [Read more...]