The Internet is, by and large, the place where most individuals spend a large part of their day. Recent surveys have found that, on average, Canadians spend around six hours per day using the internet. Given how much time we spend using the Internet, it is not surprising that many have taken to … [Read more...]
The Dog Days: Peace Officer Powers under the Animal Protection Act
With the record-breaking heat, drought, wildfires, and now flooding in Alberta, there are a great number of animals, both domestic and wild, that are suffering or who have been lost or displaced. If you come across a domestic animal that is in distress or who appears to have been mistreated or … [Read more...]
Small Business Essentials: An employment lawyer’s perspective
Three essentials all small business owners should have in place are employment agreements, policies, and termination letters and releases. One of the most common mistakes small business owners make is assuming a small number of employees means proper employment documents are less important. On the … [Read more...]
Social Media Posts and Employment: A perilous playground
An employee's social media or Internet activity can have unexpected impacts on their employer. And their job. Social media, and the Internet generally, has become the preferred pastime of our age. Social media may have begun its life as a glorified digital bulletin board. But it has blossomed into … [Read more...]