Although nearly everyone has heard the term, “Residential Schools,” it would appear that few really have a proper comprehension of the cruel realities and shame of Canada’s collective history. With its origins in “civilizing the ‘petits sauvages’” [1] for the purpose of serving as wives and mothers … [Read more...]
The Indian Act – Exemption from Taxation
The Canada Revenue Agency notes on its website that “We recognize that many First Nations people in Canada prefer not to describe themselves as Indians. However, we use the term Indian because it has a legal meaning in the Indian Act.” For the same reason, the author uses the term in this … [Read more...]
Indian Residential Schools: A Chronology
This chronology was compiled to convey, by historic milestones, how the Indian Residential School system came to be, how it embodied attitudes of its time, how critics were dismissed, and how, finally, the deep harm it did to many members of generations of Indian children was exposed in the course … [Read more...]