Ethics disqualifies a director or senior officer from usurping for himself or diverting to another person or company with whom or with which he is associated a maturing business opportunity which his company is actively pursuing; he is also precluded from so acting even after his resignation . . . - … [Read more...]
The Ethics of Corporate Social Responsibility
What is Corporate Social Responsibility, and what is not? Companies engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR) when they confer benefits on the communities located in or near where they work which are neither required by law nor an integral part of their primary, profit-oriented operations. … [Read more...]
Values, Ethics, and Civil Society
Often, people perceive ethics to be one of two things: an incomprehensible component of philosophy inherited from the Greeks of antiquity OR a strict set of rules set out by one profession or another. I suggest that ethics is part of the collective “we” at a much deeper and more profound … [Read more...]