In 1763, after the Treaty of Paris, a map was published by, Robert Sayer: A New Map of North America, with the British, French, Spanish, Dutch & Danish Dominions on that great Continent; and the West India Islands, According to the Definitive Treaty concluded at Paris 10th February 1763 … [Read more...]
The Best Interests of the Aboriginal Child
In the British Columbia Family Law Act, (FLA) Part 4, Division 7 – Extra-provincial Matters Respecting Parenting Arrangements, there is legislation designed to ensure the best interests of the child are met. The Court is guided by best interests on numerous factors including: the child’s … [Read more...]
Considering Custody
EDITOR'S NOTE Canada's Divorce Act changed on March 1, 2021. The information in this article may be out-of-date. For current information on family law, see CPLEA's Families & Relationships Resources. I recently received this question: How can I get sole custody of my four-year-old son? I … [Read more...]