In a decision released on November 27, 2012, the British Columbia Court of Appeal (BCCA) in Pratten v British Columbia, 2012 BCCA 480, reversed the British Columbia Supreme Court’s (BCSC) decision that provisions of the provincial Adoption Act are unconstitutional as a result of their failure to … [Read more...]
Sperm Donor Dad Case Update
The BenchPress feature of the January/February issue of LawNow talked about the case of the British Columbia woman fighting to find out the identity of her sperm donor dad. She argued that her Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms right to equality under the law was breached by the province’s … [Read more...]
Bench Press: Sperm Donor Dads Remain Anonymous
A British Columbia woman who wants to know the identity of her sperm donor father has been turned down by the British Columbia Court of Appeal. She challenged the provincial Adoption Act, arguing that her Charter right to equality under the law was breached because adopted children could access … [Read more...]