The only way legal disputes ever seem to get resolved on TV or in the movies is in court. That’s understandable, because the other ways we resolve legal disputes are, well, boring. I don’t think we are ever going to see a prime-time legal drama about people going to mediation. However, the … [Read more...]
Good Behaviour and Tenure of Supreme Court Justices in Canada and the United States
The death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, in September 2020 at the age of 87, and the appointment of Justice Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court of the United States, where she can serve for decades, prompted me to write this article. The Supreme Courts of Canada and the U.S. are the courts … [Read more...]
Access to Justice in Family Law: A guide to offering limited scope retainers
In Canada, access to the justice system is largely reserved for wealthier individuals and corporations. The poor have limited access through legal aid and poverty law clinics. However, the majority of Canadian citizens fall between those two extremes, unable to pay a lawyer to represent them but … [Read more...]
Getting a Fair Say: Adjudicative bodies and the duty of fairness
“Administrative bodies” play a critical role in many areas of the law – from human rights to municipal planning to labour and employment. Maybe you have heard of the Human Rights Commission, the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, the Labour Relations Board, the Immigration and Refugee Board … [Read more...]
The Role of Crown Prosecutors in our Criminal Justice System
Television shows such as Law and Order portray lawyers who prosecute crime as the heroes - fighting for justice and being the victim's voice in the court. In real life, these lawyers do play a critical role in the criminal justice system. However, shows that portray prosecutors as the defenders of … [Read more...]
Retaining a Lawyer
You have asked your friends, looked at websites and finally settled on a lawyer who seems to be a good fit for your case. But before you become a client of that lawyer, you must first retain them. Unfortunately, retaining a lawyer is not always straightforward. The process involves checking whether … [Read more...]