Last week a Craigslist post made the rounds of my social circle in Vancouver. It advertised an exciting opportunity for a peppy, earnest young person to become a "Barista Intern", to learn to handle, and I quote, "thirst and hunger requirements." Needless to say, it was torn apart and taken down not … [Read more...]
Unpaid Interns have Little Protection under the Law
Imagine spending years in university, only to graduate and find out that in order to secure a job, you would have to work an undetermined amount of time for free. At the end of the internship, there will be no assurance of employment; instead, you can chalk it up to getting some good experience … [Read more...]
Possibly, Maybe, Perhaps: Empty Promises Spell the Death Knell of the Unpaid Internship
Unpaid internships are prevalent in Canada, with as many as 300,000 people currently working for free for some of the wealthiest and biggest transnational corporations. It has sparked nation-wide debate that has resulted in the naming and shaming of many businesses and corporations, including Bell … [Read more...]