Act Of Meanness / Lost by a Nose / Co-Mammas / The Internet and Hate Speech 1. Act of Meanness A Quebec Superior Court Justice recently heard an unusual estate application. A Montreal area woman was convinced that her deceased brother’s wife had been unfaithful to him. At a supper held after … [Read more...]
Am I This Child’s Guardian?
The article “Who is a Parent? Not a Simple Question!” explores some of the legal complications faced by individuals and couples who are having children in non-traditional ways. Families can sometimes encounter a related, although somewhat different question: Who is a guardian of this child? This … [Read more...]
Who is a Parent? Not a Simple Question!
If anything could be said about the law, it is slow to change. Our social structure continues to evolve at a faster pace than the law, which is creating difficulties in society and the courts. We are seeing impacts on individuals and couples who are having children in non-traditional ways as the … [Read more...]