In Part 2 of this series, Sarah Dargatz wrote briefly about parenting coordination, one of the interventions available in family law cases before the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench. In this article, the final part of this series, I will talk about how parenting coordination is used in British … [Read more...]
BenchPress – Vol 41-4
Act Of Meanness / Lost by a Nose / Co-Mammas / The Internet and Hate Speech 1. Act of Meanness A Quebec Superior Court Justice recently heard an unusual estate application. A Montreal area woman was convinced that her deceased brother’s wife had been unfaithful to him. At a supper held after … [Read more...]
Obtaining Evidence in High Conflict Parenting Disputes, Part 2: Using Experts in Parenting Disputes
In most disputes over parenting time, parents come to reasonable decisions about what is in their child’s best interests. However, a small percentage of disputes are “high conflict”. In high conflict cases, the parents have great difficulty communicating, make decisions together, and treating each … [Read more...]
Unilateral Relocations – Don’t Do It!
When a family is in conflict, it can be tempting for one parent to want to get away. This can be especially true in cases where a parent is struggling financially after a separation or, in cases of domestic violence, when leaving is part of a safety plan. However, a unilateral relocation with a … [Read more...]
Bench Press 38-5: Balancing Work and Family
Fiona Johnstone began a long odyssey through Canadian courts when she encountered difficulties in finding childcare for her two toddlers so that she could continue to work for Canada Border Services. A childcare expert testified that Ms Johnstone faced a very difficult work environment: different … [Read more...]
Viewpoint 38-4: Mothering with Disabilities
In 2012, child welfare authorities sought to remove a new-born baby immediately after birth from a couple who both had cerebral palsy. Authorities identified that the parents would need support in caring for their child, but instead of the state providing that support, they were willing to spend … [Read more...]
Corporal Punishment and Domestic Violence: The Case for “Anti-Spanking” Legislation
Recall conversations among parents deliberating the joys and perils of raising children – does the following sound familiar? “I wouldn’t normally spank my kid, but if he crosses the road without looking, you bet I’m gonna make my point! That’ll be the last time he does that.” While spanking is … [Read more...]
Co-parenting: Doing your best for the kids during separation and divorce
Separation or divorce is one of the most emotionally taxing situations a person may face. On top of that, a parent is usually trying to maintain some semblance of normal life for their children. Some guidance in the midst of this can help. Family Justice Services offers Parenting After Separation … [Read more...]
Bench Press 38-1: Defining Dads
This is complicated. R and H were in a same-sex interdependent relationship and decided they would like to have a child. D, who was also in a same-sex relationship, agreed to bear a child for them, using R’s sperm. A child, S was born and was raised for her first three years by R and H, with … [Read more...]