The First International Conference on Prevention of FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) was held in Edmonton, Canada from September 23 to 25, 2013. The following Charter was endorsed and adopted by the delegates at the meeting, who included about 700 people from 35 countries around the world; … [Read more...]
Receiving Care from Midwives in Alberta
Our recent article Midwifery in Canada may have raised your interest in receiving care from a midwife in Alberta. You can learn more from this set of frequently asked questions from the Alberta Association of Midwives. … [Read more...]
Employment FAQs for Expectant Parents in Alberta
A recent LawNow article discussed the topic of Birth, Families and Employment. Albertans may be interested to order or download a 63-page booklet titled “Becoming a Parent in Alberta”. It answers frequently asked questions about: human rights protection for pregnant workers; entitlements, rights … [Read more...]
Midwifery in Canada
Midwifery is a health care profession distinct from nursing. Midwives specialize in providing primary care to women during pregnancy, labour, birth and postpartum in relation to low risk prenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care. They promote the natural birthing process of normal vaginal … [Read more...]