Canadians across the country have had an opportunity to see an original copy of Magna Carta. This issue of LawNow explores the relevance of this foundational document to today’s Canada.
Full PDF of this issue
Volume 40-2 – November/December 2015
Table of Contents
Featured Articles: Magna Carta
Special Report: Laws of Interest to Older Adults
Featured Articles: Magna Carta
Magna Carta: The Great Charter
Dr. Carolyn Harris
The Magna Carta of 1215 is one of the most significant historical documents in the English speaking world.
How Magna Carta Came to Canada
Suzy and Len Rodness
We were asked: “Would your country be interested in hosting an original copy of Magna Carta if a loan could be arranged?” We answered: “Of course!”
The Emergence of Legal Culture: 800 Years of Western History
Peter Bowal
Magna Carta was the foundational document for centuries of progress in human rights in Canada and around the world.
Magna Carta Informs Our Criminal Law
Charles Davison
Magna Carta ended arbitrary prosecution and imprisonment on the whim of the sovereign, and established this fundamental principle for criminal law today.
Magna Carta: A Guide for Educators
Nathan Tidridge
Nothing can replace the experience a student will have when they come face to face with the faded parchment and King Edward’s ancient royal seal of Durham Cathedral’s Magna Carta.
Special Report: Laws of Interest to Older Adults
Older Adults Face Complicated Tax Decisions
Caitlin Butler and Joe Devaney
Canada’s tax code includes programs, credits and benefits that can make navigating their taxes a complicated process for older adults.
The Estate Administration Act: The Law Has Changed
Sherrilynn Kelly
Alberta has a new Estate Administration Act, and personal representatives have new obligations and new guidance.
Powers of Attorney
Doris Bonora
Powers of Attorney can help prevent family feuds!
David Butt
Why our Justice System Works
Bench Press
Teresa Mitchell
Talking to Siri and Till Death Do Us Part?
Family Law
John-Paul Boyd
Parental Alienation: Part Two
Debtor and Creditor Law
J. Douglas Hoyes
How Debt Can Impact your Ability to Sponsor an Immigrant to Canada
Human Rights Law
Linda McKay-Panos
Human Rights Issues Behind the Niqab
Employment Law
Peter Bowal and Chris Sotiropoulos
Defining Bad Behaviour by Employees
Criminal Law
Melody Izadi
Protecting Canadians from the Protecting Canadians from Online Crime Act
Aboriginal Law
Caroline Wawzonek
Let’s Take a Hard Look at the First Nations Financial Transparency Act.
Law and Literature
Rob Normey
Responses to the Despair of the 1930s