The Alberta Human Rights Act (Act), RSA 2000, c. A-25.5, protects people from discrimination in employment based on gender identity and gender expression under section 7 of the AHR Act: 7 (1) No employer shall (a) refuse to employ or refuse to continue to employ any person, or (b) … [Read more...]
Transgender youth: Everyday items, everyday rights
The public bathroom can be a major source of anxiety for transgender youth. Using a public restroom may result in their status being discovered. If they identify as transgender and have not yet revealed their identity, they may feel like an imposter. Worse yet, trans teens may be subject to … [Read more...]
“Meaningful Access”: Students with learning disabilities strive to be included
Jeffrey Moore attended public school, at School District No. 44 (the “District”), from kindergarten to grade three, beginning in 1991. Jeffrey had access to an aide and attended a Learning Assistance Centre; his parents hired a private tutor. By January 1994, in grade 2, Jeffrey had serious … [Read more...]
Cyberbullying or Criminal Conduct?
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, texting or similar means of communicating over the Internet have given new challenges to teachers, parents and most of all, youth. We tell youth to be cautious, to use their common sense, to not talk to strangers and to keep their personal information private. And yet … [Read more...]
Cyber Bullying: Bullying Through Technology
Many of today’s new technologies are designed for the sole purpose of facilitating communication between individuals. Not only do these technologies enable communication between friends and family, but a large part of their appeal is that they present the opportunity to meet new people. Among the … [Read more...]
The Complexities of Privacy and Social Networking Sites
Two cases, released in April 2012, from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (“OPC”) demonstrate the privacy challenges facing users of social networking websites. The first allegation was made by a user who alleged that Facebook was collecting, using and disclosing his personal … [Read more...]