Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, texting or similar means of communicating over the Internet have given new challenges to teachers, parents and most of all, youth. We tell youth to be cautious, to use their common sense, to not talk to strangers and to keep their personal information private. And yet … [Read more...]
Legal Responses to Cyberbullying: The ‘Unsupervised Public Playground’
Should a student be suspended or expelled for posting a video on the Internet that mercilessly humiliates another student? Should a school principal be able to search a student’s cellphone much like a school locker? What should happen to those students who intentionally post information about a … [Read more...]
Unmasking Bullies on the Internet
Introduction Most of us have heard of cyberbullying and the dreadful impact it has had on young people, even driving some of them to suicide. The incidence of bullying online is likely far greater than the average Canadian might expect. As a university professor, I (Bowal) receive menacing and … [Read more...]