Insurance is complex enough – what happens when it intersects with our tax system? We have good news… Under the Excise Tax Act, insurance is a financial service, making it exempt from GST. If we only had to address the GST, this would be a simple, short article. However… And we have bad … [Read more...]
The Art of Canadian Taxation
Jean-Baptiste Colbert said, “The art of taxation consists in so plucking the goose as to procure the largest quantity of feathers with the least possible amount of hissing.” I suspect that this is the closest that most would equate tax and the arts. But the arts provide the livelihood of … [Read more...]
Working from Home: Income tax issues
UPDATE FROM THE AUTHORS In the November 30, 2020 Economic Statement, the Government announced the following relief for Canadians working from home during the pandemic: To simplify the process for both taxpayers and businesses, the CRA will allow employees working from home in 2020 due to COVID-19 … [Read more...]
Volunteering and Income Tax
Whether we volunteer to coach our child’s soccer team, deliver groceries to those who cannot do it themselves or provide pro bono services in our professional capacity, many Canadians (12.7 million in 2013 according to Statistics Canada) gratuitously give their time to others. With over 1.96 billion … [Read more...]
Canada’s Carbon Tax Laws: Where are we now?
March 25, 2021 Author's Note | The Supreme Court of Canada released it's 6-3 decision today finding Canada's carbon tax to be constitutional. Read the Case in Brief or full reasons. On June 21, 2018, Canada’s Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act (the Act) came into effect. Part 1 of the Act … [Read more...]