UPDATE FROM THE AUTHORS In the November 30, 2020 Economic Statement, the Government announced the following relief for Canadians working from home during the pandemic: To simplify the process for both taxpayers and businesses, the CRA will allow employees working from home in 2020 due to COVID-19 … [Read more...]
Seniors – Health, Homes, and Help from the Taxman
As individuals age and medical conditions become more prevalent and significant, the need for assistance in daily activities increases. As a result, many consider moving to nursing homes, retirement homes, or smaller apartments or condos. Alternatively, some may choose to remain in their home but … [Read more...]
Tax Issues for Older Adults
In our working years, determining our personal tax burden can be quite simple – earn income and pay personal tax at the graduated rates. In our senior years, the formula is less straightforward. Though seniors pay tax at the same graduated personal tax rates as the rest of the population, … [Read more...]
Tax Assistance for Persons with Disabilities
According to a 2012 Statistics Canada survey, an estimated 3.8 million adults in Canada are living with a disability. Of those in the survey aged 75 or greater, 42.5% suffered from one or more disabilities that limited their daily activities. Fortunately, Canada has several tools to assist us in … [Read more...]