Freedom of speech. Freedom of the press. These phrases may conjure up Hollywood-style images of noble activists and principled reporters butting heads with those in power – and winning. However, the reality is often far different: surveillance, gag orders, expensive and oppressive lawsuits, and … [Read more...]
The Key Provisions and Case Law Which Define Hate Speech
Within Canadian society, hate speech and the promotion of hatred is addressed at both the federal and provincial level. At the federal level, the key piece of legislation addressing this issue is the Criminal Code. Section 319(2) makes it an offence to publicly communicate statements that wilfully … [Read more...]
When Can the Right to Freedom of Expression be Curtailed?
Section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects our freedom of expression, but this freedom is not absolute. The right to express our opinions is a crucial element of a democracy. Freedom of expression is a basic characteristic of personal development. It gives us the right to … [Read more...]
Evolution of our Freedom of Expression
We tend to take for granted that in Canada we are generally free to express, and to publish or broadcast, our views and opinions about almost any subject imaginable. However, it was not always this way. In early times, those who espoused views which were not in keeping with the majority, or with the … [Read more...]
Compelled Expression
The core values which free expression promotes include self-fulfilment, participation in social and political decision-making, and the communal exchange of ideas. Free speech protects human dignity and the right to think and reflect freely on one’s circumstances and condition. It allows a person to … [Read more...]