By agreeing to Terms and Conditions, you are signing an online contract allowing social media to collect and share some personal information. Have you ever scrolled down the long page of terms and conditions for social media sites and immediately pressed the “I agree” button without even reading … [Read more...]
Balancing Copyright and Privacy Rights
Many Internet users assume that they can surf the Internet and remain anonymous. Nothing could be further from the truth. Where serious harm is done by an anonymous Internet user the injured party is often able to compel third parties to disclose who the Internet user is. In Canada and other … [Read more...]
37-3 | Jan-Feb 2013
Table of Contents Featured Articles: ConstitutionsSpecial Report: Developments in Internet LawDepartmentsColumns Featured Articles: Constitutions Do Constitutions matter? Indeed they do. Just ask the Egyptian people protesting, confronting, and even dying over the drafting of their new … [Read more...]
Defamation by Hyperlink
Introduction The Supreme Court of Canada’s 2011 decision in the case of Crookes v. Newton is a prime example of how individual rights as ephemeral as reputation must be balanced with other freedoms, such as expression, in this powerful, evolving medium of the Internet. Facts Website owner Jon … [Read more...]
Privacy and Cloud Computing
The term ‘cloud computing’ refers to the provision of services through websites available on the Internet. These services are typically on demand and scalable such that the user can expand her or his use of the services dramatically. Storing picture, emails or materials on the Internet is use of … [Read more...]