Vaccine passports could be required to travel, to access some locations, or to receive goods and services. What should we be concerned about? As the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines speeds up in Canada and around the world, we are talking about going back to our pre-pandemic lifestyles. But to return … [Read more...]
Court of Appeal says Police Can’t Climb Through Windows and Spy on You
The Ontario Court of Appeal recently held in its decision in R. v. White [2015] O.J. No. 3563 that police officers do not have unrestricted access to enter common areas in residential buildings to gather evidence against an individual. The police had suspected that Mr. White was dealing drugs … [Read more...]
Balancing Copyright and Privacy Rights
Many Internet users assume that they can surf the Internet and remain anonymous. Nothing could be further from the truth. Where serious harm is done by an anonymous Internet user the injured party is often able to compel third parties to disclose who the Internet user is. In Canada and other … [Read more...]
Teacher’s Talk Law Now: Search and Seizures in School
The article Privacy Issues in Criminal Law is a guide to Privacy after the enactment of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The article reviews major developments in privacy after the Charter and also discusses upcoming issues where the law isn’t clear yet. “One area of privacy law which … [Read more...]