The Workers' Resource Centre provides practical tips for getting help with WCB claims, what to do if you disagree with a decision, and returns to work in Alberta. The Workers’ Resource Centre (WRC) is a FREE agency that assists Albertans with filing claims, complaints and certain appeals … [Read more...]
Issues Faced by Vulnerable Workers in Canada
The Law Commission of Ontario defines vulnerable workers as “those engaged in precarious work”. “Precarious work” includes: those jobs where one has low wages and at least two of these other features; no pension; no union; and/or small firm size. Precarious work includes temporary … [Read more...]
The Right to Refuse Dangerous Work
There may, undoubtedly, be cases justifying a wilful disobedience of such an order; as where the servant apprehends danger to her life, or violence to her person, from the master; or where, from an infectious disorder raging in the house, she must go out for the preservation of her life. But the … [Read more...]
Viewpoint 39-3: Canada’s Asbestos Policy: Economics trump global health concerns
Asbestos was once considered so safe it was used as an ingredient in toothpaste. Today asbestos is recognized as a potent carcinogen by health experts and scientists worldwide. Despite this, in Canada it seems economic concerns take precedence over health when it comes to the international trade of … [Read more...]
Update: Ticket Offences at Work
In the Nov/Dec 2013 issue of LawNow, the column Ticket Offences at Work explained a new workplace ticket system. As of January 1, 2014, Occupational Health and Safety officers in Alberta can use this tool to obtain better compliance with OHS legislation. As an appendix to the column, the authors … [Read more...]
Occupational Health and Safety 3: Ticket Offences at Work
Introduction Most Canadians are familiar with “tickets” for minor offences. If we have personal experience at all with the legal system, it is most likely through receiving the occasional ticket for parking, seat belts, rolling through a stop sign, speeding or some other traffic offence. There … [Read more...]
Occupational Health and Safety
EDITOR'S NOTE | The information in this article may be out-of-date. For current information on occupational health and safety laws in Alberta, see CPLEA's Occupational Health and Safety FAQs. This article is the first in a series of columns on the topic of safety at work. Canadians spend most … [Read more...]