Featured Articles: Vulnerable Children
Special Report: Romance and the Law
Featured Articles: Vulnerable Children
All children are vulnerable; we know that. But some children face greater challenges than others, and the law can help these especially vulnerable little ones.
Age of Criminal Responsibility: An illusive dilemma
John Winterdyk
Different countries have different ideas about when children should face criminal responsibility for their actions. Where does Canada stand?
The International Charter on Prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Egon Jonsson, Amy Salmon, and Kenneth R. Warren
The 2013 First International Conference on Prevention of FASD issued a Charter and a call for urgent action.
John Edmond
Two Aboriginal families in Ontario recently withdrew their children from chemotherapy. Should traditional Aboriginal medicine take precedence over western medicine?
Transgender Youth: Everyday Items, Everyday Rights
Melissa Luhtanen
The task of protecting transgender youth in schools has begun.
Mitigating Children’s Involvement in Maritime Piracy
Carl Conradi
Some 10 to 20% of pirates captured in the Indian Ocean are under 18. This poses huge legal, ethical and operational challenges.
One Edmonton Youth in Conflict with the Law: A Case Study
Stephanie Laskowski
An Alberta case of a “Mr. Big” operation where undercover officers coerced a murder confession from a youth demonstrates the risk of these tactics.
Special Report: Romamce and the Law
Wedding Law: By the Authority Vested in Me…
Peter Bowal and Alexandra Brunet
The authority to perform weddings may be civil or religious and the laws about marriages vary only in small ways across the country.
The Engagement Ring: Whose Property is it?
Juliana Ho
Sometimes, the bride and groom don’t make it to the altar, and property they acquired together may cause even more grief!
Married vs. Common Law: What’s the Difference Anyway?
Brad Taylor
As it turns out, there can be some significant differences when it comes to tax treatment!
Ten Years – A Look Back At Bullying
Rob Frenette, O.N.B.
Human Rights Law
The Role of the Organization of American States in Canadian Human Rights Law
Linda McKay-Panos
Family Law
Unilateral Relocations – Don’t Do it!
Sarah Dargatz
Employment Law
Mandatory Retirement: Not so Fast!
Peter Bowal and Logan Melville
Aboriginal Law
The Best Interests of the Aboriginal Child
Troy Hunter
Not-For-Profit Law
Is it Time for Oversight of Social Investments?
Peter Broder
A Famous Case Revisited
When Free Trade is Not Free: the Abitibi Case
Peter Bowal and Christopher Tang
Law and Literature
The Contemporary Progressive Political Novel: The Rotter’s Club
Robert Normey