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Volume 43-6 July/Aug 2019
Emerging technologies and societal concerns create new challenges for healthcare. This issue highlights some current health law topics.
Feature Articles: Health Law
AI in healthcare is coming, and we need to be ready
Blake Murdoch
Advancements of AI in healthcare give rise to various policy challenges that will need to be carefully addressed.
Legal Response in Canada to the Opioid Crisis
Ryley Schmidt
Parliament’s legal response to the opioid crisis is found in two key pieces of legislation.
Seniors – Health, Homes, and Help from the Taxman
Joseph Devaney and Caitlin Butler
Tax benefits may be available to help with potentially costly transitions to facilities or home renovations.
Medical Assistance in Dying and its Enforceability in a Personal Directive
Daniella Lyman
Legislation with respect to MAID is not perfect and complex issues remain outstanding.
A little nudge goes a long way in increasing organ donor registrations
Nicole Robitaille
Canadians support organ donation but less than a quarter have made plans to donate.
Special Report: Freedom of Speech
Evolution of our Freedom of Expression
Charles Davison
Our history of freedom of speech is rooted in that of England and the United Kingdom.
When Can the Right to Freedom of Expression be Curtailed?
Myrna El Fakhry Tuttle
The Charter’s guarantee of freedom of expression is not absolute.
In Canada and elsewhere, freedom of speech is on the endangered list
John Cooper
Balancing a journalist’s right to do their job against the demands of justice can be challenging.
The Key Provisions and Case Law Which Define Hate Speech
Ryley Schmidt
The Supreme Court of Canada continues to flesh out what ‘hatred’ means.
Compelled Expression
Peter Bowal
Does the constitutional right to expression include the right from expression?
Jessica Steingard
New Resources at CPLEA
Lesley Conley
Criminal Law
Melody Izadi
VIP Access to Justice: Why state-funded counsel is crucial to our democratic identity
Employment Law
Peter Bowal and James Ragan
Bad Behaviour 4.0: Employees getting away with …
Family Law
John-Paul Boyd
Alternatives to Court: Parenting Coordination
Famous Cases
Peter Bowal, Danny Li and Carl Walker
Whiten v Pilot Insurance
Human Rights Law
Linda McKay-Panos
Freedom of Expression at Canadian Universities: A difficult compromise?
Landlord and Tenant Law
Judy Feng
Hoarding and Tenancy Situations
Law and Literature
Rob Normey
Revolution Mañana: Carlos Fuentes and the revolutionary potential in law and politics
Not-For-Profit Law
Peter Broder
Ottawa situation highlights governance obligations in managing misconduct risks