Over the past few years, there has been a profound increase in the number of deaths associated with problematic opioid use in Canada. From the beginning of 2016 to mid-2018, there have been over 10,300 opioid-related deaths. And according to Statistics Canada, the national life expectancy at birth … [Read more...]
Medical Assistance in Dying and its Enforceability in a Personal Directive
The Supreme Court of Canada upheld a blanket prohibition on assisted dying in its 1993 decision Rodriguez v. British Columbia (AG), in which the Court stated that aiding or abetting a person to commit suicide was considered a criminal offence. Many argued that this left individuals with an unfair … [Read more...]
Seniors – Health, Homes, and Help from the Taxman
As individuals age and medical conditions become more prevalent and significant, the need for assistance in daily activities increases. As a result, many consider moving to nursing homes, retirement homes, or smaller apartments or condos. Alternatively, some may choose to remain in their home but … [Read more...]
AI in healthcare is coming, and we need to be ready
From the alarming forecasts of tech moguls to vigorous debates on online forums, there’s a growing public discussion about the risks and benefits of artificial intelligence (AI) and how to manage its development. People often talk about AI by evoking grandiose prophecies about the future. While one … [Read more...]
A little nudge goes a long way in increasing organ donor registrations
Each year, hundreds of Canadians die waiting for organ transplants. At the end of 2017, for example, 4,333 people were waiting for transplants; 242 of them died. Many of these deaths could be prevented if people signed their organ donor registration cards. And even though the vast majority of … [Read more...]