How can we balance an employer's right to know about illness or disability and an employee's right to privacy? Editor's Note: A version of this important article first appeared in LawNow in 2019. It has been reviewed for legal accuracy in 2024 by the author. Requesting medical information … [Read more...]
R v Reeves: Shared Computer? Don’t Fret—Your Secrets are Safe
People share things. They share rooms, apartments, and wi-fi passwords. They share socks, Netflix accounts, and leftovers. But what does this sharing entail, exactly? As a shared owner, what rights do you actually have? Does shared ownership allow one to unilaterally decide what happens to the … [Read more...]
Privacy in Judicial Decisions
Everything secret degenerates, even the administration of justice; nothing is safe that does not show how it can bear discussion and publicity. – Lord Acton (1834-1902) Introduction The legal protection of personal information that is collected and held by government is a relatively recent … [Read more...]
Privacy Rights of Children
Introduction There is an ever-increasing concern for privacy rights of children. Privacy has many different dimensions and involves many different actors. The Oxford dictionary describes it as: “a state in which one is not observed or disturbed by other people”. Privacy may be sought from the … [Read more...]