In September 2012, the Supreme Court of Canada significantly changed the law on public interest standing. It did so under the banner of advancing access to justice. After being released, Canada (AG) v Downtown Eastside Sex Workers United Against Violence, 2012 SCC 45 [SWUAV] received praise for … [Read more...]
Public Interest Standing and the Bedford Case
According to law professor Jane Bailey, inaccessibility of justice is becoming an increasingly prevalent problem for middle-class Canadians. Exorbitant fees and lengthy timelines often act as barriers for many who may be interested in having their concerns formally heard and addressed through the … [Read more...]
Can Administrative Agencies Grant Common Law Public Interest Standing?
Whether administrative agencies can grant public interest standing the way that courts do is an unsettled question. This question usually arises at environmental agencies whose enabling legislation provides standing based on affected personal interests. Multiple court cases have found that specific … [Read more...]