Vexatious litigation generally involves legal proceedings brought solely to harass or oppress the opposing party. Vexatious litigation may range from a first-time, frivolous lawsuit to repetitive, meritless applications brought within an otherwise proper lawsuit. In a nutshell, vexatious litigation … [Read more...]
Small Claims Court: A Venue Made for Self-Represented Litigants
Introduction A few years ago, while stopped on a major road in congested Calgary commuter traffic, our vehicle was struck from behind by another vehicle. We were hit with such force that our car was pushed into the car in front of us. The road and visibility were excellent and we all knew the … [Read more...]
What Self–Represented Litigants (Actually) Want
What should we do about self-represented litigants (SRLs)? Amid a backdrop of skyrocketing legal fees, decreased public funding, and a resultant wave of self-representation, this question seems to be on every reformer’s mind. Countless reports, working groups, and studies have asked this question, … [Read more...]