Is another tenant in your building driving you crazy? Maybe they're making too much noise, leaving garbage in the hallway, or throwing cigarette butts onto your balcony. Living next to people you don’t get along with can be challenging, but that doesn't mean you have to suffer. Tenants have the … [Read more...]
All About Rental Fees (Part 1): Refundable vs non-refundable
Landlords try to charge fees, both refundable and non-refundable, for lots of things, but are these rental fees legal? CPLEA has been hearing lately about confusion over fees that landlords are charging tenants. There also seems to be confusion about whether increasing fees triggers rent … [Read more...]
Mould and Rental Properties
Caselaw suggests mould can be a deficiency that affects whether a property is fit for living in. But who's responsible for it? We recently heard about a tricky situation involving mould in a rental property. During a property inspection, the landlord found severe mould in the unit. The tenant … [Read more...]
Hoarding and Tenancy Situations
Dealing with hoarding in a tenancy situation involves a balancing act between a landlord’s rights and a tenant’s rights under the law. Under the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA), a tenant has the right to quiet enjoyment of their property. A landlord has a corresponding duty to make sure this right … [Read more...]
Accommodation in Tenancy: Assistance and Support Animals
Sometimes tenants require the assistance and support of an animal. Are landlords required to accommodate a tenant with an assistance or support animal? Well, part of the answer depends on the type of animal involved: does the situation involve a disabled tenant with a qualified service or guide dog, … [Read more...]
Believe It or Not Tenancy Questions
Here at CPLEA, we receive hundreds of questions about landlord and tenant issues every year. While a majority of them are relatively straightforward, we occasionally receive some questions that leave us scratching our heads or in a state of disbelief (or sometimes a bit of both). In this article, … [Read more...]
New & Updated Resources at CPLEA – Vol. 43-1
LawNow has created a Department called New Resources at CPLEA, which is now a permanent addition to each issue. Each post will highlight what's new, updated/revised or popular at CPLEA. All resources are free and available for download. We hope that this will raise awareness of the many resources … [Read more...]
New & Updated Resources at CPLEA
LawNow has created a Department called New Resources at CPLEA, which is now a permanent addition to each issue. Each post will highlight what's new, updated/revised or popular at CPLEA. All resources are free and available for download. We hope that this will raise awareness of the many resources … [Read more...]
Here are Some Things to Consider Before you Host your Holiday Party
With the holiday season just around the corner, it’s that time of year again for hosting guests. If you are currently renting a property and plan to have guests over, there are several things you need to know. The Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) is the law that applies to most renting situations in … [Read more...]
Shared Accommodation Problems: What Can A Tenant Do?
Here at CPLEA, we have been getting more questions lately about shared accommodation problems. There are two living arrangements that typically fall under the term shared accommodation: roommates living together in a rental property and a landlord and tenant(s) sharing living space (for example, a … [Read more...]