In 2021, pilot programs in Edmonton and Calgary allowed public drinking in certain parks. What did we learn and how has drinking culture changed? To help Albertans endure the pandemic, the Government of Alberta passed the Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Amendment Act 2020, which allowed Albertans to … [Read more...]
Ride at Your Own Risk: Amusement parks and liability
What does it mean to do something at “our own risk”? And who is ultimately responsible when accidents do happen? When I was young, winter officially ended with family outings to (the now closed) Wild Rapids waterslide park in Sylvan Lake or to Calgary’s Callaway Park. These amusement parks offer … [Read more...]
Heading into Alberta’s Great Outdoors This Summer? Passes and permits to know about
It's your responsibility to know the rules before you head out to enjoy parks, camp, hunt or fish, and operate off-highway vehicles or boats. One positive thing to come out of COVID-19 is that more Albertans are exploring the beautiful outdoors of our province. Before venturing out though, you … [Read more...]
Does Elite Sport Respect Young Athletes’ Human Rights?
We all enjoy watching national and international sports events. But most of us have no idea about an athlete’s journey to make it to these events. To become elite athletes and reach the top of their sport, children may leave their families and begin training extensively at a very early age. Most of … [Read more...]