A Risk Management Road Map to Prevent Violence and Abuse for all organizations that intersect with young people What constitutes abuse? violence? bullying? harassment? Why do bad things happen in even the best organizations? What is the duty of care and what is your organization’s … [Read more...]
The State of Your Children: The Top Five Things you need to know about your children
This spring, UNICEF released Report Card 11 ranking the well-being of children in rich countries. Well-being is measured by a wide range of factors that make life better for children including healthy behaviours, positive relationships with peers and parents, high educational achievement and low … [Read more...]
The Protection of Young Workers in Canadian Employment Law
EDITOR'S NOTE The information in this article may be out-of-date. For current information on employment laws for workers under 18 years of age in Alberta, see CPLEA's Youth & Work FAQs. Employment laws are often different for young workers under 18 years of age to protect them from … [Read more...]
Public Legal Education and the Legal Needs of Vulnerable Youth
Vulnerable Youth and the Law Young people face many challenges as they prepare for and transition into adulthood. These challenges can easily transform into problems with the legal system. For marginalized youth, legal problems are compounded by other social problems. Some of the extra hurdles … [Read more...]
Vulnerable Youth in Canada’s North
Any discussion of “vulnerable youth” must begin by defining the scope and meaning of that term. In this article, I include those persons under the age of 18 years who are particularly vulnerable to neglect, and/or harm of various sorts. Sometimes this is a result of poverty alone, and parental … [Read more...]
Mother May I? Schools and Parenting Disputes
I had the pleasure of attending a lecture by Jim Davies, the general counsel for the Edmonton Public School Board. He gave a group of family law lawyers the educator’s perspective on parenting disputes.1 Today’s dynamic family configurations can be complicated – divorced biological parents, foster … [Read more...]
An Overview of Anti-bullying Legislation and Alternatives in Canada
Very few days seem to go by, of late, without Canadians hearing about the alarming consequence of bullying in some form or another. This is particularly true in relation to children and youth. A number of high profile cases have garnered much discussion over the past few years, the latest of which … [Read more...]
Update: Helping Children and Teens Deal with Separation and Divorce
In LawNow's most recent issue, a very popular article has been "Helping Children and Teens Deal with Separation and Divorce". Here is another resource to add to the list! The Public Legal Information Association of NL has recently released material for children and youth living in Newfoundland … [Read more...]